Increasing patient yield through a focus on delivering more super-specialty medicine and complex surgical care, with a focus on the premium, high-value market

• Burjeel Holdings has a proven ability to drive patient yield across our portfolio by increasing in-patient capacity in areas of complex, high-yield care
• In line with this strategy, between 2019 and 2022 we increased our Average Realized Revenue (ARR) by 32%
• In 2020 we opened Burjeel Medical City (BMC), the leading quaternary care hospital in the UAE and the only ESMO-accredited cancer care center in the UAE. BMC operates the country’s largest long term acute care and rehab center and the leading multi-organ transplant center
• We are partnered with two world-leading organizations at BMC, the Kypros Nicolaides Fetal Medicine & Therapy Center and the Paley Middle East Clinic. These and similar partnerships are key to building a globally relevant and attractive complex care capability

Expanding geographically in MENA and further abroad, with a focus on low-capex opportunities that deliver robust return with limited capital expenditure

• In 2022 we signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s (KSA) Ministry of Investments, stating our intention to invest up to $1 billion in KSA by 2030
• We commenced our KSA expansion in 2023 through a joint venture with Leejam, the largest operator of fitness centers in the MENA region. Together, we are opening physiotherapy, rehabilitation and wellness centers across KSA
• We are also in discussions to operate and maintain a number of hospital assets in KSA and other markets, as well as separate potential partnerships in areas of niche, specialized medical care
• Geographic expansion will provide additional growth opportunities in the respective new markets as well as facilitating the movement of more international patients to the UAE for complex treatment.

Investing in centralization and digitization to deliver groupwide operational efficiency, leveraging the value of our group structure

• Centralized radiology, laboratory services, ICU command centers and the pooling of resources are key initiatives that are both reducing cost and improving outcomes for patients
• Tele-health technology is an area of investment where we are better leveraging resource while ensuring footfall capacity in our medical centers and hospitals is reserved for higher-value care requiring face-to-face interaction
• Other initiatives being rolled out include centralized procurement, centralized one-OR platform, digitization of services, employee training and nurse rotation programs